What kind of game plan is this?!
I've been watching survival shows, in case this really is the end of the world and we need to flee to the wilderness because it would be better for us to take our chance with Mother Nature than to trust our government any longer.
Having camped only twice in my life, something I've learned from bushcrafters is how patient they are. There could be a cash prize of half a million dollars and for many, their strategy isn't to get home as soon as possible, but to win, however long it takes, by simply trusting that they can last longer out in the wilderness than someone else.
As days and eventually weeks pass, it's all about conserving energy. Everyone needs to eat, but what will take the least amount of calories to nourish me for the time being? Fistfuls of berries or crabs are easy to acquire versus putting your skills to the test and attempting to shoot a squirrel, deer, or larger prey.
It's your first time in Alaska, will you spend your free time exploring beyond your usual foraging spots? No. You don't want to expend calories unnecessarily. Who knows when the game masters will suddenly call for a survival drop challenge?
There are those that choose to speed things along by making bold moves that will weaken other teams. The ones willing to fight dirty and get a little blood on their hands. There are others who are not content so long as their enemy is out there and will expend the extra calories to journey by water or land to suss them out.
Better the devil you know than the devil you don't.
These individuals are usually in the minority. They can act alone or try to repeatedly convince others on their team that they should TAKE ACTION as opposed to laying around like sitting ducks. Why prolong their suffering if they could spot the opposing team's weakness and make a targeted attack or better prepare for future battle?
There is so much more to gain than lose. Why insist on leaving things up to chance and then calling it fate?
In the US, movements come and go and time and time again, it seems like we fall short of the critical numbers necessary to turn the tides. The folks that try to rally others to act rather than wait around until our eventual demise, whether it's the loss of hard-won rights, proper food and shelter, or natural disasters, are losing their steam.
While the majority opt to "wait it out" hoping for a second coming or a gamechanger, the most vulnerable die and will continue to die. We are losing the strength in numbers we had. Morale is dwindling. The game masters know exactly what they are doing and what new challenges to introduce so that our team remains divided, forever unable to cut off the head of the snake.
It's no longer satisfying to say "I told you so." People don't listen. They don't share your urgency to end this game once and for all. It kills your spirit every time to see your team fail and fall for every trap set to keep you from turning the tables in any meaningful way.
What's worse, you're forced to be on the same team as those who wouldn't hesitate to eliminate you too, if given the opportunity. Who can you trust when alliances fail?
But you don't have the numbers and your own team dismisses you. Those that share your sentiments exist but y'all aren't charismatic enough to be leaders. Instead your lot gets called all those words that end in -ist.
They will say, "You're so serious. It's just a game." They say that because they're still alive and kicking, but you remember how hard Native fought, Brown, Child, and Femme. They deserved better from us.
But you go with what the majority wants, which is to put your head down and BELIEVE that you're destined to win. Someday. Somewhere over the rainbow. And you decide to conserve your energy like the others do.
Cease striving and know that if you die like this, it's not your fault. The game was rigged to begin and the winners aren't winners at all. Just the survivors who let the best of us die, convinced that their hands are clean.
The saddest part about it is that it's actually the oldest or street-smart veterans that are convinced that waiting it out is the best strategy. They say, "It's not my first rodeo. It would be wise to follow my lead. If you disagree, maybe you outta join another team."
I look past their dead eyes. What is your life worth really? Because I'm not convinced you survived over the others because you were outstanding at anything other keeping quiet and toeing the line. Was it worth it for you to sacrifice your comrades, family, and friends? Just so you could maintain the status quo?
I'm not impressed that this is your umpteenth game. Whether you consider it high stakes or low, is this game worth playing in perpetuity?