Uncomfortable Thoughts about Comfort Creators
I've been thinking about comfort creators recently. People who exist on the internet and churn out content that is easy breezy. They inspire and comfort, or are reliable companions to have on in the background while you go about your own life.
Countless, seemingly ordinary people have made an income, merch, or even multiple streams of income mainly by living aesthetic lives. And their audience eventually pays for such creators to live even more nicely, from upgrades to their house, fancier places to dine, or opportunities to travel in a better class or more frequently.
The biggest ones rarely teach you something useful. They sell you on aspirational living, are bought and paid for by their sponsors, and/or reel in the bulk of their followers on their good looks alone. It saddens me that there is an ever growing market for comfort creators.
The truth is people's lives are full of discomfort. They want to be comforted.
But isn't it strange that the way so many of us seek solace is staring at a screen watching someone else live their life, sometimes one that's drastically better that it's almost unattainable? I suppose it's because it's the most accessible way. You get something familiar and you can avoid the harder task of brainstorming or even acting on ways that you could potentially make your life more comfortable.
I consider myself a content creator. Eventually I'd like to be paid for the time I put into filming, writing, or editing the stuff I put online, but I haven't figured out my special sauce. I have decent looks. I try to be informative but it takes a lot more effort to prepare and those hurt the most when they don't do well. I don't consider myself aspirational.
I'm not sure I provide people comfort. In fact, I'd rather I didn't because I feel so at odds with this world. I'M NOT COMFORTABLE. I would prefer that you not be either because what do you mean it would only take 3.5% of us to challenge an entity in order for it to bring about change?
In the US, that's a little more than 12 million. I'm sure there are plenty more than that that live uncomfortably and complain about it on a regular basis. What could we accomplish if we weren't pacified by comfort creators, creature comforts, or fill-in-the-blank-here? But being mad or resentful won't help me feel better or become lucrative.
I usually don't put too much weight on what others want or expect of me but I wonder if that's why I feel like I'm stalling in life. The point is people are seeking and will continually seek comfort. How can I comfort others while still maintaining my values and not shilling shit we don't need to strangers on the internet?