Thoughts Related to Snowpiercer

I rewatched Snowpiercer tonight. I remember watching it for the first time and being annoyed with the ending. An Asian teen and a black child left with the gargantuan task to rebuild society. All alone in the bitter cold armed with only fur coats and the burnt refuse of a derailed train.
Not to mention that Yona had spent the majority of her life as a junkie. She'd just learned that she lost her father and almost been betrayed by her white savior. How the hell is she going to raise a five year old child by herself?
"I'd rather die," I thought. "Leave it to a man to make a movie where a woman is left to clean up the mess that's been made."
Perhaps other viewers did not see the ending in such a way but my mind immediately went dark. There could still be a chance that there were more survivors. That those children weren't alone out there with just the company of a bear, but I remember Wilford saying,
"Thank goodness the tail section [i.e. the poor] manufactures a steady supply of kids. So we can keep going..."
Wilford's Eternal Engine may have been destroyed but I wished that the destruction had been more complete. I want a clean cut to the circle of life. Because although Wilford had not planned Curtis's revolution to end this way, we ended up falling right back into his plan.
At the conclusion of the movie, we are left in "anxiety and fear, chaos and horror, in order to keep life going." And I'm left wondering why we cling to life so hard when even our very attempts to free ourselves from whatever the eternal engine represents to you, never really leaves the survivors as equals.
I suppose it's a matter of perspective. What some see as resilience, I see as ridiculous. While people may be proud of humanity's passion and perseverance against the odds, I see our perpetual fight of good vs evil as pathetic. A snake eating it's own tail for eternity regardless of our individual efforts.