Reintroducing Myself, as a Human Being In Earnest

You probably found me as nebulousaura on TikTok or wildcardkang if you're an OG. After a semi-viral video about TRYING, my suspicions of neurodivergence was confirmed by an overwhelming number of comments.

Last year, I had three conversations with three separate people in my life about CONSISTENCY. Not one but three. Not an ultimatum per se but a strong suggestion that to put my flop era behind me, I should pick something and stick with it.

Experience tells me otherwise and thankfully the wonderful community of TikTok agreed.

When I asked what I should pivot to when TikTok was slated to be banned, I threw out some suggestions. I'm really into making paper at the moment and death, but my fallback, something I know that I could deliver with the most amount of ease was writing. But I had doubts. Does anyone read these days? For real, stuff that's as dry as personal essays?

And the responses were so kind. I saved them.

The best thing for you to do next is whatever your heart desires - It has been a pleasure seeing you and hearing your messages - Keep telling stories - I like watching you do you - Post what you want. I will watch - It's validating to hear many of my long hidden feelings vocalized - I like paper, I like rambles. Whatever you're feeling - keep talking abt death. there's real interest & just keep following your gut. you've been most brilliantly influential not trying to meet an external need but just showing your truth. thank you - always here for talks about death, fond of paper, and appreciate conversations about internal and familiar conflict

With their permission, here I am back on the Internet, blogging like I did when I was an undergrad. Except this time, I'm not whispering into the wind (which was the name of my first blog. An indication of how futile I thought my attempts were of putting myself out there on the internet). At least, I hope I'm not.

I'm still the human being you first encountered on TikTok, but I wanted a blog name that would encapsulate the hodgepodge of stuff that I would inevitably write about. I cannot guarantee that I will always be into papermaking or that I will revisit hobbies or topics that grabbed your attention enough to follow me here, but I can promise that as usual, as always, I will pursue them in earnest.

I also kind of love that the initials of In Earnest spell out i.e. which stands for 'that is' in Latin. I.e. is commonly used to introduce a word or phrase that restates what has been said previously or defining or explaining a term or concept whose meaning readers might not know. Things I hope I can do here.

Thanks for joining me in my new corner of the internet!

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